Monday, June 3, 2013

USA Economy

Introduction and problems of fossil fuels

            Fossil fuels are those fuels made through natural process like anaerobic decomposition of dead buried organisms.   Fossil fuel has a greater percentage of carbon which includes petroleum, coal plus natural gas. The range starts from volatile materials like methane to nonvolatile and liquid petroleum. Fossil fuel is nonrenewable due to the long process in the formation. Additionally, their reserves are getting depleted quite faster than the rate of making new ones.  Fossil fuel has remained important because they can easily get burned and oxidized to produce noticeable amounts of energy. Fossil fuels have various usages including generation of electricity and as a form of feedstock for the petrochemical factories. Although it’s cheaper to produce than many other forms of energy, fossil fuel causes a great concern for the environment (UNESCO,2013).

            The problems associated with the production and use of fossil fuel includes global warming, which makes the earth temperature rise. Fossil combination produces carbonic, nitric and sulphuric acids which later fall into the earth in the form of acid rain. Such rain affects the natural areas and the environment. Additionally, radioactive materials get contained in the fossil fuels. They include thorium and uranium. The harvesting of fossil fuels impacts the environment, as well. Offshore oil drilling on the other hand is a big hazard to the aquatic habitats. The industries produce gas into the atmospheres causing air pollution. 

            To make the societal cost explicit many governments use taxes. There are used to make the cost of pollution internal. As a result it makes it more expensive to produce and use fossil fuels. This is done in the move to reduce the usage of such nonrenewable sources of energy. The use of fossil fuel may look beneficial through provision of jobs and higher living standards. However, the usage plays a key role towards global warming which is very dangerous for the future. The environmental pollutants emitted affect humans for the particles in the air bring negative health effects if inhaled. The health effects are many including acute illness, death, chronic bronchitis, and aggravated asthma and lung infections.  For an economy to grow fast, the workforce must be good and healthy.  The use of fossil fuels affects the workforce health hence leaving them weak to produce, leading to a sluggish economy (Suzuki, 2013).

Possible solutions

            A possible solution to the fossil fuel problem is the use of renewable energy which has fewer effects on the environment, the humans and the economy. Such types of energy include natural resources and electricity.  However, electricity is also associated with negative effects including production of   air pollutants. The production of electricity produces a large amount of the nitrogen oxides. The emissions are responsible for the production of acid rain and smog plus the formation of particulate matter.  Fossil fuel fired electricity plants emit gases like carbon dioxide which contribute to climatic change.  Also the industry poses negative effects to water and water habitats. Particularly, the transmission lines and hydro dams have critical effects on biodiversity and water (,2013).


America as the case study country

            The United States holds below 5 percentage of the world’s population. However, due to the private cars and large houses, the country uses above a quarter of the world fossil fuel supply. In the United States, above 90% of the gas emissions get produced from fossil fuels. The production of the fossil energy results in emissions of other harmful gas pollutants like the sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, heavy metals and volatile compounds. Worldwide the US ranks 2nd in consumption of energy. Much of the energy consumed is from the fossil fuels.  A study conducted in 2010 showed that the energy comes from coal 22%, petroleum 25% and natural gases produced 22% (Sarewitz and  Pielke,  2013).

            The country has also experienced a vast increase in energy consumption making them substitute with imports and other renewable sources. Fossil fuels which include natural gases, oil and coal from the Americans’ main source of energy meaning 85% of the fuel used currently. Although some costs for using the fuel remains obvious, others are hidden but later included in the consumer’s bills (Bower, 2008). Other costs which the country will have to incur if they continue using the fossil fuel include the  human health problem resulting from air pollution, land damage from mining of coal, acid rain, global warming, national security expenses and water pollution.  In many nations, the concern about the fossil effects remains a major concern. As a result, business, countries and individuals have started to focus on ways to reduce fossil fuel utilization. However, the truth is that, the infrastructures will have to be changed to accommodate the other sources of energy (Fischetti).





  •  ‘Peak Fossil Fuels’ Is Closer Than You Think: BNEF - Bloomberg. (n.d.). Bloomberg - Business, Financial & Economic News, Stock Quotes. Retrieved May 23, 2013, from

·         Learning to Live With Fossil Fuels - Daniel Sarewitz and Roger Pielke Jr. - The Atlantic. (n.d.). The Atlantic — News and analysis on politics, business, culture, technology, national, international, and life – Retrieved May 23, 2013, from

·         Suzuki, D. (n.d.). Shift from fossil fuels needed | Column | Opinion | Timmins Press. Timmins Press. Retrieved May 23, 2013, from

·         problem with fossil fuels. (n.d.). problem with fossil fuels. Retrieved May 23, 2013, from

·         Fossil fuel - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (n.d.). Wikipedia. Retrieved May 23, 2013, from

·         Problems with fossil fuels « Joan Pye Project – Putting the Case for Nuclear Energy in the UK. (n.d.). Joan Pye Project – Putting the Case for Nuclear Energy in the UK. Retrieved May 23, 2013, from

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Eiffel Tower

Eiffel Tower
The Eiffel Tower is one of the great man-made structures of the world. The first image of the tower was created by Maurice Khellen and Emile Noukoye, respectively the head of the office of studies and head of Eiffel modalities and its partners. They thought to make something to commemorate the centennial anniversary of the outbreak of the French revolution. They thought also to make it a landmark and tourist site. Construction work started on Jan 26, 1887 and ended on March 31, 1889. The construction work took exactly 2 years, 2 months and 5 days. The cost of building the Eiffel Tower is £260,000 (7.4 million francs). It opened to the public on May 6, 1889. The Eiffel Tower is located in Paris, France, and the exact location is next to the Seine River and it is located on the Champ de Mars; the coordinates are: 48.8583°N 2.2945°E. The Eiffel tower is still in existence and it’s one of the most famous tourist sites around the world. This tower is one of the favorite destinations in the summer for the Middle East people.
On the base of the Eiffel Tower they used the concrete, but the body of the tower is made of wrought iron. Also they used the glass on the first floor. the weight of the materials used on the tower was 7300 tons of iron and 2700 tons of other materials approximately. The materials came from French factories and were transported to the site of the tower by road and rail. Alexandre Gustave Eiffel designed the Eiffel Tower. Eiffel died on 27 December 1923 at his home in Paris for 91 years. The Gustave Eiffel company which actually built the tower with the help of a French government subsidy of less than 25% of the totally cost. The labour forces on the construction of the Eiffel Tower probably were French. One of the problems encountered on the project was the strike of workers in order to raise wages depending on the height of the workplace. Eiffel raised wages, but not like the requirement of the workers; he raised all the wages ignoring the condition of the wage depending on the height of the workplace. The second problem encountered by the tower is a rust problem and this problem is handled through regular maintenance every 7 years.
The importance of the Eiffel Tower is it’s a multi-use tower. I will mention some uses of it but not all of them. The first use of the tower was in 1889 using the peak of the tower as an observation station for the measurement of the wind speed. In 1906 the tower was the first try to use it for broadcasting, then they started to use it actually for broadcasting in 1920. The second step for broadcasting from the tower was the television broadcasting and this started actually in 1957. The third use for it was for many scientists’ trials like related to weather or the free fall of objects or monitoring. The next usage for the tower was as a restaurant; some restaurants in the tower help the tourists when they want to enjoy views of the charming Parisian landscape while they are eating food. The final and very important use is for tourists by putting France on the top of global tourist destinations. Also this tower is one of the very famous buildings around the world till now; that’s one of reasons to encourage the people to go to Paris and enjoy the vacation. Finally when the economy starts improving by the influx of tourists for sure it will be one of the very important things for the government, so the government should take care of the this place and keep improving it to keep the number of tourists increasing.
Eiffel Tower - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (n.d.). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved April 16, 2013, from
Eiffel Tower, Paris. (n.d.). A View On Cities. Retrieved April 16, 2013, from
What materials were used to build the Eiffel Tower. (n.d.). The Q&A wiki. Retrieved April 21, 2013, from
platform, J. c. (n.d.). Gustave Eiffel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved April 21, 2013, from
Eiffel Tower - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (n.d.). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved April 21, 2013, from
What is the importance of Eiffel tower. (n.d.). The Q&A wiki. Retrieved April 28, 2013, from
Tourism in France - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (n.d.). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved April 28, 2013, from

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Lack of water

The daily struggle for water is something the people are suffering from in many countries of the world, for example, we will talk about the Republic of Yemen. Children and women crowd around public faucets to collect water and return to the homes and for daily use. A lot of people aren’t able to pay water fees. The statistics shows each Yemeni only has access to about 140m3 comparing to the other Middle East countries where the average of each person is 1000m3. Some of those reasons were random digging and using the traditional way in the irrigation. Rapid intervention by the government is needed to solve this problem. If the government don’t put this problem on the top of the list of government priorities Sana'a, which is the city suffering most from this situation, will be the first capital in the world to run out of a viable water supply. There are some solutions to end this problem like to drill or truck in water. In my opinion the best solution is to ban qat cultivation which is one of the main reasons for this problem because it consumes large amounts of water In contrast, on the other hand there is no product to improve the standard of living.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The corals on the Gulf

We want to look for ways in which coral survives the deadly heat in the Gulf. We found that the coral lives in coexistence with the type of algae that live in the tissues of coral; these algae produce sugars that provide approximately 90 percent of the coral’s energy; the coral in return offers her coral shelter and nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus. How the coral breed may be a solution for what we want to discover. One way is Fragmentation, also called vegetative propagation; this is when a piece of coral breaks off, rolls across the sand, lands somewhere else and starts growing. Now we all are working to find solutions to provide a suitable environment for live coral reproduction and prevent it from extinction. Knowing that we must keep in mind that temperatures continues to grow, especially in the Gulf region and its neighboring regions of similar climate.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

New Pearl Museum in RAK

Our ancestors told us stories about the precious pearl. There are two names for this pearl, Bint Almtar, attributed to the rain and the other name is Bint Alqamar attributed to the moon. Those interested in anything about the pearls and their trade can look in the New Pearl Museum in RAK. The capital of pearl trading was RAK or as what it was known in the past as Julfar. When the Japanese invented the cultured pearls in the early of 1930’s the pearling industry collapsed in the Gulf. But regardless of the negative impact on the pearl industry in the Gulf still women’s names were linked with the pearl types such as Hessa and Dana. The owner of that museum which is one of a kind in the region is RAK Pearls Holding, a company that has been farming cultured pearls since 2005, and it opened two months ago. This museum which is located exactly on RAK Corniche has everything to illustrate how the process of diving for pearls and the tools. The museum also contains some of the distinctive and most famous pearls such as RAK's 12mm pearl which also Known as Miracle of Arabia.

Monday, February 25, 2013

The hajj

The hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam. Every Muslim who is fit and financially able must perform the hajj at least once in his life. The pilgrimage starts on the 8th day of 12th month of the Islamic year and ends after 6 days. We should dress in white robes called the ihram. All steps of the hajj we must do in Mecca which is known as the capital of all the Islamic world and there is a unique mosque in Mecca and it’s name is Alhram. In Alhram there is Alk’aba; it’s a direction for all Muslims to face when they pray five times each day.
The hajj starts with a stop in a place named Meqat before Mecca and people wear the special dress for the hajj. For men it’s a white robe of two pieces and for women it’s any long simple dress but there is one condition; after they dress they can’t cut hair or nail until they take it off. The next step they should do is Tawaf and sa’i. On the first official day you should to mina and stay the night there. On the next day you should go to Arafat and stay till sunset then go to camp all night at Muzdalifah. On the 3rd day you should go to Mina to do two things. The first thing is you should throw the stones on jamraat then slaughter a cheep ; then you should go back to Mecca to do Tawaf and sa’i. The next thing to do on the hajj is stay the next three days in Mina , Finally go to Mecca to do Tawaf.